Friday 15 April 2011

Definite Nouns — The Definite Article

The Definite article

To make an indefinite noun definite in Arabic, you just prefix the definite article to it. The Arabic definite article is اَلْ, and it is the same for both masculine and feminine. Furthermore, it does not change with dual or plural either.
The following are examples of definite nouns:

Each of the above nouns ends with a single vowel. The vowel may not be a (ــُـ), but it must be single. This is because of the اَلْ prefixed to the noun.
You will never come across a noun having both ال and double vowels; either one of the two, or none at all.


  • The definite article is اَلْ; it is attached to the beginning of indefinite nouns to make them definite.
  • The same definite article is used with masculine and feminine.
  • The same definite article is used with singular, dual and plural.
  • A definite noun will have a single vowel at the end. This does not apply to proper nouns without ال.

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